The international organization world animal protection visits the duBreton model

For more than 15 years, duBreton has been developing models to raise its pigs in accordance with the criteria of the certifications to which it has chosen to adhere. The model is unique and has improved over the years to become effective and adequately meet the requirements of certifiers such as Humane Farm Animal Care (Certified Humane®), Global Animal Partnership (GAP 5-steps), Canada Organic and USDA Organic to name a few.
Our approach interested World Animal Protection (WAP), an international organization that campaigns for the welfare of farm animals. Their mission includes raising awareness and advocating for change among governments, producers, corporations and consumers about unnecessary suffering and stress, experienced by farm animals in conventional farming. To do so, they want to demonstrate through concrete and real examples that it is possible to produce livestock while respecting their natural behaviour and essential needs, at all stages of their lives.
"On July 11, we hosted staff from WAP on the farm of a "farrow to finish" producer, duBreton's partner in Ontario, for a full day of shooting. They were able to see for themselves the measures being taken on duBreton's partner farms to ensure the well-being of the animals," explains Julie Lamontagne, Communications Advisor. "We answered all their questions and they were able to take all the images they needed to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, based on respect for the animal's behaviour, recommended by their organization.
The final product will be shared by WAP with various stakeholders in order to encourage the industry to improve their practices and eliminate suffering and stress in farm animals.