- 4 duBreton Hot Italian Sausages ou Mild Italian Sausages
- 1 lb d'haricots verts
- 1 lb de champignons crimini, émincés
- 1 c. à thé de moutarde de Dijon
- 2 pommes Golden Delicious, en juliennes
- 1/2 tasse de pacanes rôties
- 3/4 de tasse de raisins blonds
- 1 échalotte sèche hachée finement
- 2 c. à soupe de vinaigre de vin rouge
- 2 c. à soupe de moût de raisin
- 1/4 de tasse d'huile d'olive
- Sel et poivre du moulin
- In boiling salted water, blanch the green beans for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove the green beans and cool in ice water. Drain, dry well and place in a bowl. Add the other ingredients to the green beans. In the same water, blanch the sausages for 5 minutes. Drain well and roast in a frying pan in olive oil. Keep warm.
- Add the vinaigrette to the salad bowl.
- Mix well and season with salt and ground pepper.
- Add the sausages around the bowl.
- Mix together mustard, red wine vinegar and grape must. Then gradually add the oil, mixing with a whisk.